Wednesday, August 8, 2007

i am back...

Well, I seem to have some time on my hands, and I am adequately annoyed so I updated the look of my blogsite and decided to post something.

My renters haven't sent the rent check yet. It was due on the 5th. If I call him, he will lie and say he sent it on the 1st. Does he think I am stupid? Here's another thing...he told my old neighbors that they would not be renewing the lease at it's expiration. All I know is that he is not getting one cent of his deposit back.

Not supposed to smoke in the house....smoked.

Not supposed to have pets...2 dogs.

Supposed to give 30 days notice prior to vacating...probably won't.

I have been nothing but nice to him and his fat ass wife (and when I say fat ass, I mean 50 lbs. from having to get a forklift to remove her from the house), and this is how I am repaid.

It is a lesson learned for me. The next tenant will be under the full-on ironclad contract that will allow me to penalize them like Lindsay Lohan in a driving contest at 3am.

On a lighter note. I recently bought a Harley. A custom V-Rod. Very fast and very fun. Too bad it has been raining everyday this summer.

Also, I have a new band. I know, I always have a new band. This one definitely has promise. More later on the band and schedule.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back, darlin'! I added you to my technorati list (the regular link list on my site was getting too unwieldy so I 86'd it).

And you have a header now and everything! Okay, so you can sit at the cool kids table now. :-)

rickrocket said...

is that a fish biting a barbie?

Anonymous said...

Why, yes. It is a fish biting a Barbie. I'm big into Barbie desecration lately.