Monday, August 13, 2007

Common Sense = Crazy

There has been an attack on Senator Barack Obama based on his comments about going into Pakistan to get Osama Bin Laden if the Pakistanis would not or could not do it. What the spinmeisters have turned this into is Obama wants to invade our “ally”, Pakistan. This has caused such an uproar that President Musharraf has contemplated declaring a state of emergency in Pakistan. The Republicans and Mr. Obama’s opponents on the Democratic side have denounced his comments as “irresponsible” and “dangerous”. I have a few questions.

1. Since when is it a bad idea to go after Osama Bin Laden? Don’t we want him “Dead or Alive”?

2. Since when does invading a sovereign nation not cause instability in the region, but a few common sense comments does?

3. How is it OK to invade Iraq with false intelligence, to get Saddam who had no WMD and was no threat to us, but it is not OK to go into Pakistan to get OBL who attacked the US, and is being harbored by the Pakistani government who has nuclear weapons?

4. Why haven’t we invaded Pakistan? They are a radical Muslim country headed by a brutal, military dictator, that has nuclear weapons, and is the home country of A.G. Khan, a nuclear scientist that has sold nuclear technology to “terrorists”. They are also harboring Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Waziristan. They are mortal enemies in constant warfare with India, who is definitely our ally militarily and economically.

5. How can anyone who has screwed up foreign policy so horribly, criticize anyone who makes a statement about a possible policy? These are the people who brought you the Iraq War and the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act. How is their opinion credible in the least?

6. Why do you think Iran wants nuclear weapons? So we will not attack them. The US has never attacked a country that has nuclear weapons. North Korea, Pakistan, The Soviet Union (Russia), all safe.

I guess I am just a crazy, left wing whacko who is irresponsible and dangerous. :) Obama/Richardson 2008

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